
Class layers


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layers Class Reference

Layer display setup class. more...

Public Member Functions

static voidenableAllLayer()
enable all layers
static intfindLayer(string layerName)
finding a layer
static voidhideAllLayer()
hide all layers
static voidreset3dView()
reset 3d view
static voidshowAllLayer()
show all layers

Public Attributes

static layernum[layer_max]
setup for a single layer

Detailed Description

This class is the global setup for the display of all layers. Each layer is identified by a number between 0 and 127. The setup of a single layer can setup by the static public attribute num.

layers::num[5].name="Layer Number 5";

The class layers can not be used as type.

See also class layer

Member Documentation

static layer layers::num[layer_max]

    setup for a single layer

    Each layer can setup separately via the class layer. The layer-class can be accessed by this array. \sa layer

    static int layers::findLayer(string layerName)

      finding a layer

      Use this function to find the number of a layer. \param layerName name of the wanted layer \return number of the layer if found, -1 if layerName is not found

      static void layers::showAllLayer()

        show all layers

        makes all layer visible

        static void layers::hideAllLayer()

          hide all layers

          makes all layer invisible

          static void layers::enableAllLayer()

            enable all layers

            makes all layers enable

            static void layers::reset3dView()

              reset 3d view

              The 3D view of all layers is reset and turned off.

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