drc Class ReferenceDesign rule checker more... Public Member Functionsvoid | inside(int distance,int layer1, int layer2) inside with Distance | void | minimumDistanceOrOverlap(int distance,int layer1, int layer2) minimum Distance or Overlap | void | minimumDistance(int distance,int layer1, int layer2) minimum Distance | void | minimumElementDistanceOnActiveLayer(int distance) Minimum element Distance on active | void | minimumElementDistance(int distance,int layer) Minimum element Distance | void | minimumOverlap(int overlap,int layer1, int layer2) minimum Overlap | void | minimumSize(int size,int layer) minimum Size | void | noBoxOnActiveLayer() no Box on active | void | noBoxOnLayer(int layer) no Box Element | void | noCircleOnActiveLayer() no Circle on active | void | noCircleOnLayer(int layer) no Circle on Layer | void | noElementOnActiveLayer() no Element on active | void | noElementOnLayer(int layer) no Element | void | noPathOnActiveLayer() no Path on active | void | noPathOnLayer(int layer) no Path | void | noPolygonOnActiveLayer() no Polygons on active | void | noPolygonOnLayer(int layer) no Polygons | void | noTextOnActiveLayer() no Text on active | void | noTextOnLayer(int layer) no Text | void | onlyCircleOnActiveLayer() only Circle on active | void | onlyCircleOnLayer(int layer) only Circle on active | void | overlapingElementsOnActiveLayer() Overlapping elements on active | void | overlapingElements(int layer) Overlapping elements | void | setErrorLayerToActiveLayer() set error layer | void | showReport() show reports |
Public AttributesDetailed DescriptionThis class provide a couple of methods to check the design. Member Documentation int drc::errorLayer
error layer On this layer all errors are marked. int drc::errorCount
error count Sum of detected errors. int drc::error
errors Error on last check. string drc::ruleName
ruleName The name of the next rule. result This string contains a little report of the last test results. void drc::setErrorLayerToActiveLayer()
set error layer The error Layer is set to the active Layer. void drc::noElementOnLayer(int layer)
no Element Tests ,if there are elements on the layer. void drc::noElementOnActiveLayer()
no Element on active Tests ,if there are elements on the active layer. void drc::noPathOnLayer(int layer)
no Path Tests ,if there are path elements on the layer. void drc::noPathOnActiveLayer()
no Path on active Tests ,if there are path elements on the active layer. void drc::noBoxOnLayer(int layer)
no Box Element Tests ,if there are box elements on the layer. void drc::noBoxOnActiveLayer()
no Box on active Tests ,if there are box elements on the active layer. void drc::noPolygonOnLayer(int layer)
no Polygons Tests ,if there are polygons on the layer. void drc::noPolygonOnActiveLayer()
no Polygons on active Tests ,if there are polygons on the active layer. void drc::noTextOnLayer(int layer)
no Text Tests ,if there are text elements on the layer. void drc::noTextOnActiveLayer()
no Text on active Tests ,if there are text elements on the active layer. void drc::showReport()
show reports Shows a messagebox with the results of the design rule checker. void drc::minimumDistance(int distance,int layer1, int layer2)
minimum Distance Tests, if all elements between layer1 and layer2 have a minimum distance void drc::minimumDistanceOrOverlap(int distance,int layer1, int layer2)
minimum Distance or Overlap Tests, if all elements between layer1 and layer2 have a minimum distance,
an overlap is not marked as an error. void drc::minimumSize(int size,int layer)
minimum Size Tests, if all elements on layer have a minimum size. void drc::minimumOverlap(int overlap,int layer1, int layer2)
minimum Overlap Tests, if all elements between layer1 and layer2 have a minimum overlap void drc::inside(int distance,int layer1, int layer2)
inside with Distance Tests, if all elements on layer1 are inside layer2 and have a minimum distance. void drc::overlapingElements(int layer)
Overlapping elements Tests, if there are overlaping elements on layer1. void drc::overlapingElementsOnActiveLayer()
Overlapping elements on active Tests ,if there are overlaping elements on the active layer. void drc::minimumElementDistance(int distance,int layer)
Minimum element Distance Tests, if there are elements on layer with a lower distance. void drc::minimumElementDistanceOnActiveLayer(int distance)
Minimum element Distance on active Tests, if there are elements on active layer with a lower distance. void drc::noCircleOnActiveLayer()
no Circle on active Tests, if there is a polygon with a circular shape on the active layer. void drc::onlyCircleOnActiveLayer()
only Circle on active Tests, if there are other elements then polygons with a circular shape on the active layer. void drc::noCircleOnLayer(int layer)
no Circle on Layer Tests, if there is a polygon with a circular shape on the layer. void drc::onlyCircleOnLayer(int layer)
only Circle on active Tests, if there are other elements then polygons with a circular shape on the layer. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |