
Class drc


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drc Class Reference

Design rule checker more...

Public Member Functions

voidinside(int distance,int layer1, int layer2)
inside with Distance
voidminimumDistanceOrOverlap(int distance,int layer1, int layer2)
minimum Distance or Overlap
voidminimumDistance(int distance,int layer1, int layer2)
minimum Distance
voidminimumElementDistanceOnActiveLayer(int distance)
Minimum element Distance on active
voidminimumElementDistance(int distance,int layer)
Minimum element Distance
voidminimumOverlap(int overlap,int layer1, int layer2)
minimum Overlap
voidminimumSize(int size,int layer)
minimum Size
no Box on active
voidnoBoxOnLayer(int layer)
no Box Element
no Circle on active
voidnoCircleOnLayer(int layer)
no Circle on Layer
no Element on active
voidnoElementOnLayer(int layer)
no Element
no Path on active
voidnoPathOnLayer(int layer)
no Path
no Polygons on active
voidnoPolygonOnLayer(int layer)
no Polygons
no Text on active
voidnoTextOnLayer(int layer)
no Text
only Circle on active
voidonlyCircleOnLayer(int layer)
only Circle on active
Overlapping elements on active
voidoverlapingElements(int layer)
Overlapping elements
set error layer
show reports

Public Attributes

error count
error layer

Detailed Description

This class provide a couple of methods to check the design.

Member Documentation

int drc::errorLayer

    error layer

    On this layer all errors are marked.

    int drc::errorCount

      error count

      Sum of detected errors.

      int drc::error


        Error on last check.

        string drc::ruleName


          The name of the next rule.

          string drc::result


            This string contains a little report of the last test results.

            void drc::setErrorLayerToActiveLayer()

              set error layer

              The error Layer is set to the active Layer.

              void drc::noElementOnLayer(int layer)

                no Element

                Tests ,if there are elements on the layer.

                void drc::noElementOnActiveLayer()

                  no Element on active

                  Tests ,if there are elements on the active layer.

                  void drc::noPathOnLayer(int layer)

                    no Path

                    Tests ,if there are path elements on the layer.

                    void drc::noPathOnActiveLayer()

                      no Path on active

                      Tests ,if there are path elements on the active layer.

                      void drc::noBoxOnLayer(int layer)

                        no Box Element

                        Tests ,if there are box elements on the layer.

                        void drc::noBoxOnActiveLayer()

                          no Box on active

                          Tests ,if there are box elements on the active layer.

                          void drc::noPolygonOnLayer(int layer)

                            no Polygons

                            Tests ,if there are polygons on the layer.

                            void drc::noPolygonOnActiveLayer()

                              no Polygons on active

                              Tests ,if there are polygons on the active layer.

                              void drc::noTextOnLayer(int layer)

                                no Text

                                Tests ,if there are text elements on the layer.

                                void drc::noTextOnActiveLayer()

                                  no Text on active

                                  Tests ,if there are text elements on the active layer.

                                  void drc::showReport()

                                    show reports

                                    Shows a messagebox with the results of the design rule checker.

                                    void drc::minimumDistance(int distance,int layer1, int layer2)

                                      minimum Distance

                                      Tests, if all elements between layer1 and layer2 have a minimum distance

                                      void drc::minimumDistanceOrOverlap(int distance,int layer1, int layer2)

                                        minimum Distance or Overlap

                                        Tests, if all elements between layer1 and layer2 have a minimum distance, an overlap is not marked as an error.

                                        void drc::minimumSize(int size,int layer)

                                          minimum Size

                                          Tests, if all elements on layer have a minimum size.

                                          void drc::minimumOverlap(int overlap,int layer1, int layer2)

                                            minimum Overlap

                                            Tests, if all elements between layer1 and layer2 have a minimum overlap

                                            void drc::inside(int distance,int layer1, int layer2)

                                              inside with Distance

                                              Tests, if all elements on layer1 are inside layer2 and have a minimum distance.

                                              void drc::overlapingElements(int layer)

                                                Overlapping elements

                                                Tests, if there are overlaping elements on layer1.

                                                void drc::overlapingElementsOnActiveLayer()

                                                  Overlapping elements on active

                                                  Tests ,if there are overlaping elements on the active layer.

                                                  void drc::minimumElementDistance(int distance,int layer)

                                                    Minimum element Distance

                                                    Tests, if there are elements on layer with a lower distance.

                                                    void drc::minimumElementDistanceOnActiveLayer(int distance)

                                                      Minimum element Distance on active

                                                      Tests, if there are elements on active layer with a lower distance.

                                                      void drc::noCircleOnActiveLayer()

                                                        no Circle on active

                                                        Tests, if there is a polygon with a circular shape on the active layer.

                                                        void drc::onlyCircleOnActiveLayer()

                                                          only Circle on active

                                                          Tests, if there are other elements then polygons with a circular shape on the active layer.

                                                          void drc::noCircleOnLayer(int layer)

                                                            no Circle on Layer

                                                            Tests, if there is a polygon with a circular shape on the layer.

                                                            void drc::onlyCircleOnLayer(int layer)

                                                              only Circle on active

                                                              Tests, if there are other elements then polygons with a circular shape on the layer.

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