Class drawingField |
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Detailed DescriptionEach layout main windows has exactly one object of the class drawingField. This object can be accessed via the layout class. In the drawingField all drawing relevant information are accessible. The basic setup is stored in databaseunits, userunits and databaseunits. The different cell are accessabe via firstCell. currentCell holds a point to the curretnly displayed cell. All members of the drawingField class are useable in a simplyfied form without braces, commas and semicolons from the commandline-toolbar. The characters are essential, if used in a macro. Member DocumentationcellList* drawingField::firstCelllist of all cell This is a list of all cells in the drawing. cell* drawingField::currentCellcurrent cell This is a pointer on the cell displayed. int drawingField::activeLayeractive layer This is the default layer, on which most of the operation take place. int drawingField::gridXactuell grid in X This member holds the actuell X-grid in drawinguntis int drawingField::gridYactuell grid in Y This member holds the actuell X-grid in drawinguntis int drawingField::gridOffsetXactuell grid-offset in X This member holds the actuell grid-offset in X in drawinguntis int drawingField::gridOffsetYactuell grid-offset in Y This member holds the actuell grid-offset in Y in drawinguntis bool drawingField::gridautoautomatic grid If this member is true, the grid is automaticly change after changing the scale. double drawingField::userunitsuserunits All values in the main widget are displayed in this unit. double drawingField::databaseunitsdatabaseunits All coordinates are integer. This value is the factor of these integers to the real value. string drawingField::libnamelibname Name of this libary as used in GDS-file. void drawingField::fSelect()form select If one coordinate was added before with the point or p command, the nearest element is selected. If two coordinate were added before with the point or p command, all element in the region p1,p2 are selected. void drawingField::fAllSelect()form all select If two coordinate were added before with the point or p command, all element in the region p1,p2 are selected. All Points of the element must be inside the region. void drawingField::fDeselect()form deselect If one coordinate was added before with the point or p command, the nearest element is deselected. If two coordinate were added before with the point or p command, all element in the region p1,p2 are deselected. void drawingField::fAllDeselect()form deselect If two coordinate were added before with the point or p command, all element in the region p1,p2 are deselected. All Points of the element must be inside the region. void drawingField::pSelect()form select If one coordinate was added before with the point or p command, the nearest point is selected. If two coordinate were added before with the point or p command, all points in the region p1,p2 are selected. void drawingField::pDeselect()form deselect If one coordinate was added before with the point or p command, the nearest point is deselected. If two coordinate were added before with the point or p command, all points in the region p1,p2 are deselected. void drawingField::cSelect()form select If one coordinate was added before with the point or p command, the nearest cellref is selected. If two coordinate were added before with the point or p command, all cellrefs in the region p1,p2 are selected. void drawingField::cDeselect()form deselect If one coordinate was added before with the point or p command, the nearest cellref is deselected. If two coordinate were added before with the point or p command, all cellrefs in the region p1,p2 are deselected. void drawingField::invertSelect()invert select The selection in the current cell is inverted.
void drawingField::selectAll()select all All elements in the current cell are selected.
void drawingField::selectVisible()select visible All visible elements in the current cell are deselected.
void drawingField::deselectAll()deselect all All elements in the current cell are deselected.
void drawingField::selectActiveLayer()select active layer All elements on the active layer are selected.
void drawingField::deselectActiveLayer()deselect active layer All elements on the active layer are deselected.
void drawingField::pathSelect()path select All visible path elements in the current cell are selected.
void drawingField::pathDeselect()path deselect All path elements in the current cell are deselected.
void drawingField::boxSelect()box select All visible boxes in the current cell are selected.
void drawingField::boxDeselect()box deselect All boxes in the current cell are deselected.
void drawingField::polygonSelect()polygon select All visible polygons in the current cell are selected.
void drawingField::polygonDeselect()polygon deselect All polygons in the current cell are deselected.
void drawingField::textSelect()text select All visible text elements in the current cell are selected.
void drawingField::textDeselect()tetxt deselect All text elements in the current cell are deselected.
void drawingField::setGrid(int raster)set grid The grid in x and y axis (gridX, gridY) is set to raster. The gridoffset (gridOffsetX, gridOffsetY) is reseted. Parameters:
void drawingField::setCell(const string &cell)set cell Set the Cell with the name cell to the currentCell. currentCell is set to the new set cell. Parameters:
void drawingField::relink(const string &cell)relink cellref Selected cellreferences of the current cell are relinked to the cell with the name cell. There are not tests for circular or self references. Parameters:
void drawingField::cellUp()cell up A cell which uses the current cell is set as the current cell.
void drawingField::mergeSelect()merge select Selected elements in the currentCell are merged. The orginal shape is use to build the path to inner polygons. The function works for a small amount of elements. Use the booleanHandler to merge a large amount of element.
void drawingField::deleteSelect()delete select Selected elements/points in the currentCell are deleted.
void drawingField::scalePlus()scale plus The scale is increased,
void drawingField::scaleMinus()scale minus The scale is decreased,
void drawingField::scaleFull()scale full The display scale is adjusted to the size of the drawing.
void drawingField::scaleSelect()scale select The display scale is adjusted to the size of all selected elements.
void drawingField::scaleEins()scale ein The current view is scaled to 1 drawingunit to 1 pixel
void drawingField::scrollLeft()scroll left The current view is scrolled left.
void drawingField::scrollRight()scroll right The current view is scrolled right.
void drawingField::scrollUp()scroll up The current view is scrolled up.
void drawingField::scrollDown()scroll down The current view is scrolled down.
void drawingField::setView(double scale,int x,int y)set view The current view is set to the scale and offset p(x,y). void drawingField::getView(double *scale,int *x,int *y)get view The current view is returned: scale and offset p(x,y). void drawingField::showGridToggle()toggle grid Show/hide the visibility of the grid.
void drawingField::setAutoGrid()auto grid Activate the autogrid.
void drawingField::undo()undo Undo the last modification. Multiply use is not possible.
void drawingField::redo()redo Revoke the last undo.
void drawingField::prepareUndo()prepare undo. Save the cell for the next undo. void drawingField::resetUndo()reset undo Reset the last undo. void drawingField::openFile(string s)open file A file with the name s is opened. void drawingField::saveFile(string s)save file The drawing is saved to s. void drawingField::importFile(string s)import file The file s is added to the current drawing. void drawingField::updateFile(string s)update file Cell with the same cellname with cell in the file s are replaced by the cell of this file. cell* drawingField::findCell(string s)find cell Returns:pointer to the cell with name s. Null if the name does not exist.bool drawingField::existCellname(string s)exist cell Returns:true if a cell with the name s exist.cellList* drawingField::addCell()add cell Add a cell to the drawing. A pointer to the new cellList is returned. void drawingField::deleteActuellCell()delete cell The current cell is deleted. void drawingField::point(int x,int y)add point Set the Command Mode and add the point p(x,y) in drawing units. void drawingField::p(double x,double y)add point userunits Set the Command Mode and add the point p(x,y) in user units. void drawingField::pointRel(int x,int y)add relative point Set the Command Mode and add the point p(x,y) in drawing units relative to the last point entered. The first entered point is set absolute. void drawingField::pRel(double x,double y)add relative point userunits Set the Command Mode and add the point p(x,y) in user units relative to the last point entered. The first entered point is set absolute. void drawingField::pointRel(point p)add point Set the Command Mode and add the point p relative to the last point entered. The first entered point is set absolute. void drawingField::pointMove(int x,int y)move last point The last entered point is moved by point p(x,y). void drawingField::pMove(double x,double y)add relative point userunits The last entered point is moved by point p(x,y) in user units. void drawingField::pointMove(point p)add point The last entered point is moved by point p(x,y). void drawingField::delPoint()delete point Delete the last entered point. void drawingField::clearPoints()clear points Delete all entered point. void drawingField::point(point p)add point Set the Command Mode and add the point p. void drawingField::box()add box Add a box to the current cell. Two coordinates had to be entered before with the point command. void drawingField::polygon()add polygon Add a polygon to the current cell. Two coordinates had to be entered before with the point command. void drawingField::path()add path Add a path to the current cell. Two coordinates had to be entered before with the point command. void drawingField::text(string s)add text Add a text to the current cell. One coordinate had to be entered before with the point command. void drawingField::cellref(string s)add cellref Add a cellref to the current cell. One coordinate had to be entered before with the point command. This point is the reference point of the insert cellref. void drawingField::cellrefarray(string s,int x, int y)add text Add a text to the current cell. Two coordinates had to be entered before with the point command. The first point is the reference point of the insert cellref. The second point defines the spacings of the array. void drawingField::spiral()add spiral Add a spiral path to the current cell. Three coordinates had to be entered before with the point command. void drawingField::circle()add circle Add a circular polygon to the current cell. Two coordinates had to be entered before with the point command. The first entered point is the center, the second point mark the radius. void drawingField::circleBox()add circle in box Add a circular polygon to the current cell. Two coordinates had to be entered before with the point command. The two points mark a bounding square in which the circle is added. void drawingField::circleFit()fit to circle Add a circular polygon to the current cell. The circle is fitted to the before entered points. void drawingField::sector()add sector Add a sector polygon to the current cell. Three coordinates had to be entered before with the point command. void drawingField::arc()add arc Add a arc path to the current cell. Three coordinates had to be entered before with the point command. void drawingField::polygonArc()add polygon arc Add a arc polygon to the current cell. Three coordinates had to be entered before with the point command. void drawingField::bezier2()add bezier 2nd order Add a second order bezier path to the current cell. Three coordinates had to be entered before with the point command. void drawingField::bezier3()add bezier 3rd order Add a third order bezier path to the current cell. Four coordinates had to be entered before with the point command. cell* drawingField::findTopCell()top cell Returns:cell which is not referred by an other cell.void drawingField::deleteExceptOneLayer(int layer)delete except one layer All element not on the layer "layer" will be delete in any cell of the current drawing. The function can be useful for preparing data for mask production. void drawingField::swapLayer(int i,int k)swap layer This function swap the layers i and k in the current cell. void drawingField::swapLayerSelect(int i,int k)swap layer select This function swap the layers i and k of the selected elements in the current cell. void drawingField::swapLayerAll(int i,int k)swap layer all cells This function swap the layers i and k in all cells of the current drawing. void drawingField::mapLayer(layerTranslator *t)map layer all elements are maped with layerTranslator t. void drawingField::flat()flatten Selected cellrefs and cellrefarrays are flatten.
void drawingField::flatAll()flatten multilevel Selected cellrefs and cellrefarrays are flatten. If the the cellrefs contain more cellrefs, they are flatten as well.
void drawingField::groupSimple()simple group selected elements All selected elements are moved to a new cell. A correlating cellref will be added.
void drawingField::group()group selected elements All selected elements are moved to a new cell. A correlating cellref will be added. If a identical cell exists, a cellref to this cell is added and the selected elements are deleted.
int drawingField::groupStructure()group selected elements All selected elements are moved to a new cell. A correlating cellref will be added. If a identical cell exists, a cellref to this cell is added and the selected elements are deleted. int drawingField::groupGlobal()group selected elements All selected elements are moved to a new cell. A correlating cellref will be added. If a identical cell exists, a cellref to this cell is added and the selected elements are deleted. void drawingField::toBox()convert to box Selected polygons are converted to a box-element if possible.
void drawingField::toPolygon()convert to polygon Selected path, box and text elements are converted to a polygons if possible.
void drawingField::toCircle()to circle Converts selected element polygon and box element to a circle. The circle is fitted in all existing points of the element.
void drawingField::closeToPolygon()close to polygon Closes selected path elements to a polygon. void drawingField::move()move select If one coordinate was added before with the point() or p() command, selected elements are moved by p1. If two coordinate were added before with the point() or p() command, selected elements are moved by p2-p1. void drawingField::moveX()move x select Selected elements are moved in x axis by p2-p1. Two coordinates had to be added before with the point() or p() command. void drawingField::moveY()move y select Selected elements are moved in y axis by p2-p1. Two coordinates had to be added before with the point() or p() command. void drawingField::moveOrgin()move orgin The orgin of the current cell is move to the prio entered point. All references to this cell are adjusted. void drawingField::cut()cut select Selected elements between p1 and p2 are separated. Two coordinates had to be added before with the point() or p() command. void drawingField::mirror()mirror select Selected elements are mirror between p1 and p2. Two coordinates had to be added before with the point() or p() command. void drawingField::rotate(double angle)rotate select Selected elements are rotate by angle at a point prior added with the point() or p() command. Parameters:
void drawingField::copy()copy select If one coordinate was added before with the point() or p() command, selected elements are copyed and moved by p1. If two coordinate were added before with the point() or p() command, selected elements are copyed and moved by p2-p1. void drawingField::scale()scale select Three coordinates had to be added before with the point() or p() command. void drawingField::setWidth(int w)set width The width of selected path and text elements is set to w. Parameters:
void drawingField::setCap(int w)set cap In selected path elements the caps is set to w. (0 for no cap, 1 for round caps, 2 for square caps) void drawingField::copyCurrentCell()copy current cell The current cell is copied. The copied cell is name oldcellname_copy.
void drawingField::extractCurrentCell()extract current cell The current is flatten multilevel and all other cell are removed
void drawingField::stripUnneeded()strip unneeded All cell not needed in the current cell are deleted
void drawingField::stripIdenticalElements()strip identical elements If the current cell contains two identical elements at the same position, it is impossible to see it. This function will detect this and remove one of the element. void drawingField::extractActiveLayer()extract active layer All element on another than the active layer will be deleted
void drawingField::alignCenterXY()align to center XY Selected element are aligned to the center of the two before entered points. void drawingField::alignCenterX()align to center X Selected element are aligned to the center in the x-Axis of the two before entered points. void drawingField::alignCenterY()align to center Y Selected element are aligned to the center in the y-Axis of the two before entered points. void drawingField::alignLeft()align left The left edge of the selected elements is aligned to the before entered point. void drawingField::alignTop()align top The top edge of the selected elements is aligned to the before entered point. void drawingField::alignRight()align right The right edge of the selected elements is aligned to the before entered point. void drawingField::alignBottom()align bottom The bottom edge of the selected elements is aligned to the before entered point. void drawingField::alignValue(int dis)align value Selected elements are moved so that the distance of the before entered points is set to d void drawingField::centerXY()center XY Selected element are aligned to the entered point. void drawingField::centerX()center X Selected element are aligned to the entered point in the x axis. void drawingField::centerY()center Y Selected element are aligned to the entered point in the y axis. void drawingField::addConvexPolygon()add Convex Polygon A convex polygon around all prio entered point is added to the active layer. void drawingField::addBoundingBox()add Bounding Box A bounding box is add to the active layer. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
© 2008 Jürgen Thies